Get Account

Get account information given an account ID.

Request: requestType is getAccount account is the account ID


(S) unconfirmedBalanceNQT is the balanceNQT less unconfirmed outgoing transactions, the balance displayed in the client (S) guaranteedBalanceNQT is the balance (in NQT) of the account with at least 1440 confirmations (A) unconfirmedAssetBalances is the unconfirmed asset balance of the account (S) effectiveBalanceNXT is the balance of the account available for forging: the unleased guaranteedBalance of this account plus the leased guaranteedBalance of all lessors to this account (S) accountRS is the Reed-Solomon address of the account (S) name is the name of the account (S) forgedBalanceNQT is the balance (in NQT) that the account has forged (S) balanceNQT is the minimally confirmed basic balance (in NQT) of the account (S) publicKey is the public key of the account (A) assetBalances is the balance of all assets of the account (S) account is the account number (N) requestProcessingTime is the the API request processing time (in millisec)

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