Get Transaction
Get a transaction object given a transaction ID.
is getTransaction
is the full hash of the transaction (optional if transaction ID is provided)
(S) senderPublicKey
is the public key of the sending account for the transaction
(S) signature
is the digital signature of the transaction
(S) feeNQT
is the fee (in NQT) of the transaction
(N) requestProcessingTime
is the API request processing time (in millisec)
(N) type
is the transaction type (refer to Get Constants for a current list of types)
(N) confirmations
is the number of transaction confirmations
(S) fullHash
is the full hash of the signed transaction
(N) version
is the transaction version number
(N) ecBlockId
is the economic clustering block ID
(S) signatureHash
is the SHA-256 hash of the transaction signature
(S) senderRS
is the Reed-Solomon address of the sender
(N) subtype
is the transaction subtype (refer to Get Constants for a current list of subtypes)
(S) amountNQT
is the amount (in NQT) of the transaction
(S) sender
is the account ID of the sender
(S) recipientRS
is the Reed-Solomon address of the recipient, if applicable
(S) recipient
is the account number of the recipient, if applicable
(N) ecBlockHeight
is the economic clustering block height
(S) block
is the ID of the block containing the transaction
(N) blockTimestamp
is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the block
(N) deadline
is the deadline (in minutes) for the transaction to be confirmed
(N) timestamp
is the time (in seconds since the genesis block) of the transaction
(N) height
is the height of the block in the blockchain
Note: The block, blockTimestamp and confirmations fields are omitted for unconfirmed transactions. Double-spending transactions are not retrieved.
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