Get Block
Get a block object given a block ID or block height.
is getBlock
is the block ID (optional)
is the block height (optional if block provided)
is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the block (optional if height provided)
is true to include transaction details (optional)
Note: block overrides height which overrides timestamp.
(S) previousBlockHash
is the 32-byte hash of the previous block
(N) payloadLength
is the length (in bytes) of all transactions included in the block
(S) totalAmountNQT
is the total amount (in NQT) of the transactions in the block
(S) generationSignature
is the 32-byte generation signature of the generating account
(S) generator
is the the generating account number
(S) generatorPublicKey
is the 32-byte public key of the generating account
(S) baseTarget
is the base target for the next block generation
(S) payloadHash
is the 32-byte hash of the payload (all transactions)
(S) generatorRS
is the Reed-Solomon address of the generating account
(S) blocReward
is the total block reward
(S) nextBlock
is the next block ID
(N) requestProcessingTime
is the API request processing time (in millisec)
(S) scoopNum
is the scoop number
(N) numberOfTransactions
is the number of transactions in the block
(S) blockSignature
is the 64-byte block signature
(A) transactions
is the array of transaction IDs or transaction objects (if includeTransactions provided, refer to Get Transaction for details)
(N) nonces
is the actual nonce number
(S) version
is the block version
(S) totalFeeNQT
is the total fee (in NQT) of the transactions in the block
(S) previousBlock
is the previous block ID
(S) block
is the block ID
(N) height
is the zero-based block height
(N) timestamp
is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the block
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